Category: Sports
Indiana Club Ice Hockey splits weekend series against Concordia University Wisconsin
Indiana club ice hockey took on Concordia University Wisconsin to open both teams’ seasons Friday. The match went firmly in favor of Indiana from start to finish, resulting in a 7-2 game.
USA Swimming Announces 72-Strong National Junior Team for 2022-23
The roster includes 37 boys and 35 girls. It includes most of the squad that helped the U.S. to 19 gold and 46 total medals at last month’s Junior Pan Pacific Championships.
Briar Cliff and Luther College Baseball make History at Field of Dreams Movie Site
Briar Cliff University and Luther College made history Friday night, playing the first-ever collegiate baseball game at the Field of Dreams Movie site in Dyersville, Iowa.
Roanoke hosts 800 cyclists for cyclocross racing series
Cyclists raced through a mapped out course in Fallon Park Saturday and Sunday. Professional and amateur cyclocross racers competed.